The Harlem Gospel Choir feed off the infectious and receptive vibes of the audience they perform in front of and it was no different at the Southbank Centre in London.
Indeed, they honour the sounds of American Gospel singing with soaring passion in voice and gesticulation.
Upon entering the stage the drum and keyboard players set the rhythmic mood with elements of Jazz and Blues music.
As a spectator silence or being comfortable in your seat isn’t an option, as for the next two hours all that are present are made to feel as members of The Harlem Gospel Choir with joyful clapping and dancing.
Their lyrics and instrumentals portray a zest for life, energy and optimism. Indeed, they honoured many of BeyoncĂ©’s blockbuster songs such as Halo.
Should you be effortlessly demonstrating that you are having a ball of a time then it will get noticed, as some spectators came to find out by being invited on stage to receive a free souvenir in the form of a Harlem Gospel Choir wristband so you can feel the love and share the love.
In summary The Harlem Gospel Choir’s willingness to entertain ensured that nobody left the theatre in a conventional manner, but instead sang and danced their way to the exits such was the invigorating performance.