It sure is a tongue twister to pronounce ‘Trdelník’ although it is hugely important should you wish to experience the Czech Republic’s finest smelling and indeed tasting pastry. Failing that make sure you explicitly point at the item on the menu or better still point at one of the sumptuous spindles that it is made on.

Just by watching the Trdelník spinning to its finish position will have you licking your lips anticipating the imminent crunch. Quite simply once you bite there is no respite! No matter your age Trdelník has no boundaries and can certainly assist those with sweet tooth cravings. Should you wish to eat like a local, then leave your table manners at home and get your hands all sugared up!

For those of you who think that Trdelník alone is too trivial, there are a plethora of toppings that compliment it, and a prime example is Nutella. Trust Tasty Trdelník would be a fitting theme line. You might like it so much that it becomes your breakfast, lunch and dinner such is the availability of it. Suffice to say that if you are celebrating your birthday in the Czech Republic, leave the cake to one side and instead get a tower of Trdelník with candles to create a different look and feel.