Final product looks unblemished
Unwashed utensils equates to glorious refreshing fruit juice? Surely such a statement defies logic. This is not the case at the Sree Ganesha Fruit Stall in the district of Thippansandra, Bengaluru.
Indeed, the menu is lacking a spot of ink and has a basic structure to it but the variety on offer is evident. Whether you prefer the conventional orange juice, exotic flavours such as Papaya milkshake or the local taste of sweet Mango Lassi, law of averages indicates a high probability that you will like at least one flavour on offer.

The Auto Rickshaw drivers will casually stroll up to the counter and nod their head to indicate what drink they want, as being regulars they need not go through the ordering process. Moments later they have gulped down their refreshment and are back to their livelihood.
If you are the cleanliness conscious type, then be sure to request your refreshment in a plastic cup or else live like a local and have it out of potentially an unwashed glass! Either way the taste and texture is flavoursome especially for those with a sweet tooth.

In terms of prices you can expect to pay between 25 to 60 Rupees (£0.40 – £0.75 per cup). If you attempt to ask them how they made it or what content is inside it, in return you will get a headshake. Quite simply enjoy the disbursements of flavours especially on an intensely hot day with streams of dust and petrol fumes around you!